A Day in the Life of a Crossed Paws Puppy

From the desk of Ella Puppy


As the sun comes up, we play with the jungle gym in the puppy room. When the doggie door is opened, we all stream out into the morning sunshine where mom and auntie are waiting with an open milk bar. Mom only keeps the milk bar open for a few minutes and then tries to get us to play. Soon four big bowls of soaked kibble and goat’s milk arrive. We all like to pile on the first bowl. The humans move us around till we each have a spot to call our own. If any kibble is left mom always cleans up after us. We play ruff and tumble in the cool of the morning. If it starts to get hot we can cool off with the misters or sit in front of the fan.

Mid-Morning Nap

Around 11 am it’s time for our mid-morning nap. We all run into the cool kitchen and the humans put us in a small pen. Soothing classical music is played to settle us down. Some of us have more energy than others, however, and anyone disturbing the peace is released into the kitchen where everyday there are new toys to play with. The jungle gym miraculously appears in the kitchen. The humans make food, drop pans, and move through the sea of puppies with many loads of laundry taking our nightly mats to the clothes line to dry, as well as cleaning up any messes we make. It’s a really fun game to see if we can catch the whisk broom as it sweeps up the litter. Soon we are all tuckered out and drop where we are to have a nice nap.


At 12:30 pm we are again ushered outside for lunch. The humans play “I Spy The Poop”. They must really love this game because they play it morning, noon, and night. We like to tag along and get in the way. It’s fun. After lunch it’s usually very hot and we go back inside to sleep, cuddle with humans, or play some more.


After our mid-afternoon nap we get to show off what we know. We get delicious wet food with every click. I love hearing, “Good puppy.” I know I’ve done a good job. We sit, play with the box, or figure out how to get to the food by going around the gate and over the barrier. There are always lots of snuggles and kisses afterward. I’m so tired after these sessions I nod off for another power nap.

Later that Day

Lately they have been putting one of us in the black carrier, and going out the front door. Everybody has come back and they talk about all the new smells and the view from the car window, they say they now know where the human Ariel goes every day. I’m skeptical because they don’t really smell like anything but the carrier. I guess I’ll just have to wait my turn.


As the sunlight wanes in the sky and the shadows lengthen, the humans make food like chicken or burgers that smell so good. Sadly they only serve it up for themselves. We again go outside for dinner, and afterward we romp in the grass and play in the cool of the day. Sometimes we like to sleep in the big crate. About six of us and all pile in together and have a nice snooze. The humans sit outside and play and cuddle us. Tom likes to play Jazz music: he says it’s important for us to know our namesakes. Mom joins us as the sun sets, the humans pull all the mats off the line and take them back inside. We continue to tussle, hang out, and listen to the cicadas sing. The frogs come out and hop just outside the fence where we can’t get them. Sometimes the chickens run around the yard eating insects and scratching the earth. The ducks waddle around poking their long noses into every crevice.

To Bed

After the sun has set we get a late night snack and the doggie door to the puppy room is opened once again. One time I decided I wanted to camp out in the yard all night, so I hid in the crate. Alas, a human kept saying there are only twenty! One must be outside!” I was discovered and carried back to my brothers and sisters and placed on a fuzzy blanket for the night. Finally, Mom and auntie come in to give us good night kisses and fill up any corners of our tummies that might need filling before we settle down for the night. *Yawn* Good night.